If the city of Shillong ever desired to write her beatitudes, they would possibly look something like this.
Blessed are they who followed traffic rules for they shall be called good driver.
Blessed are they who throw waste in dust bins for they shall be called noble citizens.
Blessed are those employees who are punctual for they shall be called people’s officers.
Blessed are those preachers who practice what they preach for they shall be called spiritual leaders.
Blessed are those politicians who fulfill their manifesto for they shall be called promised keepers.
Blessed are those organizations which peacefully up hold justice for they shall be called torch bearers.
Blessed are those families who use water judiciously for they shall be called kind family.
Blessed are they who turn the switch off after use for they shall be called civilized.
Blessed are those business men who never exploit the needy for they shall be called just men.
Blessed are you when you observe all these for you shall be called wise human being.