Looking at the trackrecord of punishmentimposed on the militantsand their mushroomingorganizations, it is nowonder why more youngpeople are today joiningmilitant outfits. Look at thepunishment for theircriminal activities so far.Can anyone recollect whena militant has beenpunished after beingarrested? The GNLAchairman, Mr ChampionSangma is coolly enjoyinghis status as a privilegedprisoner. He is not treatedas a criminal who had doneharm to the society and itspeople. I am sure he hasn’tenjoyed this status as amilitant as he is now as – aprisoner who is treated withroyalty. After giving birth toan organization calledGNLA, he committedseveral crimes but he is notbeing tried for them. SoChampion is a winner and ahero for upcoming militants!If he was treated as per thelaw and shown some harshtreatment , then probablyanother person longing totake up arms would havethought twice before doingso. Those in the Government should watchthe programme on Life OkChannel- Savdhan India-India Fights back and learna tactic or two of how theytreat criminals….Let me remind theconcerned authorities that ifthere are now a few outfitsmushrooming in the regiontheir numbers will soon growin this culture of impunity.And now that Governmentwants to have them for peacetalks it makes us wonderwhat sort of peace dialoguecan take part betweenpeople who extort, kidnapand kill and a duly electedgovernment. Are themilitants going to be givenemployment? What abouttheir qualification and theirsalaries? Do they have tocompete with the rest of uswho studied, struggled andmanaged to get hold of jobs?Do you seriously believeand trust that they wouldsettle for anything less?They have seen more moneyin their life just hurtingpeople, which is the onlyprofession they areacquainted with. Todayanyone who wants easymoney thinks he can lootsomeone and amass wealthand when he is bored withthat life and finds it toughthen he will come for peacetalks because there is apackage for the militantswho come over ground. Avery tempting offer indeed!I feel the Government isinviting more people to joininsurgent outfits by makingsuch irresistible offers. Alldrop outs would then joinmilitant outfits come outand get jobs on a prioritybasis. This is the bleakfuture I see for my peopletoday unless theGovernment thinks out ofthe box in tackling militancy.Yours etc.,Anandi Gabil Momin, Chennai.
On high-risebuildings inShillong.
The recent High Courtinterim order restricting theconstruction of high-risebuildings beyond fourthfloor (G + 3) has left certainconcerned residents ofShillong in a fix, notknowing how to backtrackfrom the already troddenpath. A case in point andproblems involved of analready constructedbuilding are highlightedbelow:A Single WindowAgency approved 3-StarHotel building of (G + 4)located in Shillong has beengranted permission byMUDA in 2013 after a seriesof requirements as pointed out by engineers of MUDAhave been made, incompliance with all theprovisions of the bye-laws(MBBL 2011) on structuraldesigns/safety madeapplicable under Zone-V ofthe seismic zonation map ofIndia.The building wasplanned to accommodate 30rooms with all othernecessary facilities andservices. The project itselfis linked to bank loans/mortgages as per theDetailed Project Report asfound viable by thesponsoring financialinstitutions.Removing of one topfloor having 10 rooms wouldalso make the project nolonger financially viable. Itmay also be mentioned thatthe whole of North Eastfalls under Seismic Zone 5but construction of G+4buildings are allowed bytheir respective authorities.It is, therefore, felt thatMUDA, as an Authoritythat gives permission aftermuch scrutiny and makingsure all technical and safetyaspects are met, shouldjustify its action and plead,in our favour, with theMeghalaya High Court forreconsideration of itsdecision
.Yours etc,B D MarbaniangShillong -8