Osmanabad: In the worst-ever attack yet on former ally BJP, Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Monday likened the ongoing poll campaign in Maharashtra by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet to an assault by Bijapur general Afzal Khan’s army on Shivaji’s dominion in the 17th century.
“What are they up to? First Modi comes to campaign, then his entire cabinet team is campaigning for votes in Maharashtra. They are like the army of Afzal Khan trying to conquer this state,” Uddhav thundered at a huge public rally in the temple of town of Tulzapur.
He noted out that besides Modi, the home minister, external affairs minister, chief ministers and other top leaders were campaigning for the Maharashtra assembly elections scheduled for Oct 15.
The Sena chief alleged that their whole intention is “to break the state into pieces” in the name of bringing progress and development here. (IANS)