NEW DELHI: Congress on Tuesday said wife of Narendra Modi had fallen back on the transparency law brought in by the UPA government, taking a dig at Prime Minister over reports that Jasodaben has sought details under RTI on the security provided to her.
In her plea, Jasodaben has cited Indira Gandhi’s assassination and deman-ded information about her personal bodyguards say-ing that she and her family members are “very scared” of them.
Reacting to the develop-ment, AICC spokesman Shakeel Ahmed said Congress was hesitant to speak on such issues and refused to comment on queries that Jasodaben’s RTI move was triggered by her fear for her life.
However, Ahmed chided, “I only know that Modi’s wife has filed an RTI application. Had been stay-ing together, it would have saved the family, money that is spent on see-king information under RTI.”
He added, “It is a matter of satisfaction for us that that wife of the nation’s Prime Minister also needed the same RTI, which was made a law by the Congress-led UPA government.”
Congress may seek to stir the issue in the coming days if there are more developments on this front. Rajya Sabha MP and AICC general secretary Madhu-sudan Mistry said that he would move a notice in the Upper House on Wednes-day to demand a probe on the apprehensions Jasoda-ben has expressed. Mistry is a native of Gujarat and is a bitter Modi critic.(PTI)