Lucknow: Under attack on the law and order situation in the state, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav Saturday said that police has done good work which has not been properly highlighted due to “politics”.
“Despite allegations of all kind on the state police in the past three years…it is not as if everything is bad. Good work has also been done but it has not been properly highlighted as politics is done in everything,” he said after launching citizen centric services at his official residence.
On the law and order situation in the state, Akhilesh said statistics would prove what is the actual standing of some states which make tall claims on this front. UP Governor Ram Naik had recently said that law and order in the state needs improvement and that the Chief Minister and SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav also felt so.
“People in the government will have to continuously work hard as governance is the only way to improve law and order,” Akhilesh said, and noted that despite police not being taken seriously, people have hopes from them and that is why gunners are sought (for security purposes).
He said that a study is being conducted to cut short the response time of police and monetary provisions for the same could be made for it in the next budget.
Stressing that use of technology was a must in policing with changing times, the Chief Minister said the work of introducing it was not taken up by previous governments.
His government would pay attention on training, infrastructure among others for improving the police force, he said and hoped that the manner in which his government was working would bear good results in the time to come.
“Good policing not just improves the image of the government but also encourages industries and factories to come here,” he said, and observed that the society too has a responsibility to check crime. “Besides the police, the society is also responsible to check the wrong being committed around us,” he said. (PTI)