Monday, July 8, 2024

Lawless Dorbar Shnong


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The incident that happened at a school in Nongtalang as reported by your daily is unbelievable. How can a Dorbar Shnong functionary decide that a principal of a school is not performing his duties and then barge into the school and assault the students who stood up for the principal? Such acts of lawlessness are becoming very frequent in Jaintia Hills. The Meghalaya High Court Order which put the Rangbah Shnong (RS) in their place was also triggered by an incident in Jaintia Hills. Hence the Court ruling is indeed timely. One peculiar rule implemented by the Dorbar Shnong in Shillong City is that if police have to enter their localities to look for criminals they first have to inform the Rangbah Shnong. At the height to the HNLC violence, the police were prevented from entering localities even when they knew for a fact that HNLC guys were holed up there. By the time the police informed the RS the HNLC militants would have escaped because they would have got the news from the grapevine. Some RS flex their muscles to the point of antagonising their residents. Many have become businessmen giving out NOCs for a price. Lawlessness by those who are empowered to bring law and order in the villages is a serious offence. We hope the law takes serious note of this assault on school students by the Secretary of the Dorbar Shnong of Nongtalang. If this is not checked then other Dorbar Shnong too might start to assume the role of the police, government, vigilante all in one. We need an enlightened Village Administration Act. And the RS should know that they are not above the law!
Yours etc.,
D S Sohtun,
Shillong – 8

Keyboard Warriors

I am a small time businessman but I wish to respond to the article by Gertrude Lamare, “Oh Woman, Thou Art Free” (ST Jan 20, 2015). The writer has the right to place her own knowledge or belief but I personally do not agree with her. I am a Catholic and did not know much about the Holy Bible until the age of 36 when I met a good friend from the Presbyterian Church who would regularly take me to Church. That strengthened my faith. Gertrude Lamare speaks about Gender Equality within the church but she has completely forgotten that at the grass- roots level of teaching/preaching it is women who play an important role. The reason for my lack of knowledge about the Bible is because in the Catholic Church we do not have Bible Study Classes which the Presbyterian Church provides right from childhood. Interestingly these classes from the junior to the senior level are being taken by “WOMEN” and not by men. On my recent visit to Shella, I met a group of women in a remote village. I was wondering what brought them to that particular area since normally that area would be packed with businessmen. When I asked one of the ladies if she needed any help I was amazed to know that they were there on a mission of preaching the Bible. These ladies were selected and sent by the Presbyterian Church. They came willingly to do what they believed in. Imagine how many lives could be saved by these beautifully devoted women especially in an area where drugs, alcohol, criminal activities are rampant. Being a feminist in the field of social, political, economic studies is fine but blaming the entire Church community is not acceptable.
At times I wonder if in the field of religion we really need to advertise ourselves by posing as public figures or to show the whole world that we have delivered something good in the name of God or should we just do something positive like those committed ladies and missionaries and patiently wait for the reward from the Almighty. Raising questions of “Gender Equality” in Religion is completely absurd and meaningless as it is something which one does volitionally, irrespective of gender. Gertrude Lamare has the right to air her views but it would be better to bring change by committing herself practically or physically like those women missionaries rather than sit behind a computer. Last but not the least,”THOU SHALL NOT JUDGE!.
Yours etc.,
Anthony Pariat,

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