New Delhi: The Narendra Modi-led government on Tuesday faced embarrassment in Rajya Sabha as an Opposition amendment to the Motion on President’s Address was passed even as Prime Minister rejected the charge of being pro-corporate and ruled out any dilution in any pro-farmer provision in the land bill.
The Prime Minister also denied any decision to reduce the coverage of population under the Food Security Act, saying such “myths” should not be spread.
He also targeted Congress over blackmoney, saying its government had not set up SIT as there was an attempt to “save somebody” and countered its charge of copying names of UPA schemes by suggesting that the Congress-ruled government had instead copied schemes of Atal Bihari Vajpayee government.
Reflecting the difficult times it is up for in the House where it is in acute minority, the Modi government faced an embarassment when an amendment moved by the opposition to the President’s address over corruption and blackmoney was passed with an overwhelming majority.
The amendment was moved (Contd on P-10)