Kolkata: The condition of BCCI President Jagmohan Dalmiya improved on Friday after a clot in his coronary artery was cleared during an angiography at a city hospital. Doctors attending on 75-year-old Dalmiya said, “Today he is clinically better with improvement in ECG. He is being monitored at the hospital with medication as per protocol.”
They said that he underwent a coronary angiography on Thursday night and a “clot was aspirated out to establish good flow in coronary artery”.
After an initial clinical assessment on Thursday night, Dalmiya was taken to the cath lab at BM Birla Heart Research Institute for coronary angiography. Angiography is an X-ray examination of arteries which involved release of a special dye into the coronary arteries from a catheter inserted in a blood vessel to detect any blockages.
His family members said that Dalmiya who woke up at 3 AM on Friday and spoke to his family members and Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) officials who were in the hospital throughout the night.
His wife left for home only this morning after seeing an improvement in his condition, the family members said. Dalmiya was rushed to the hospital on Thursday night following complaints of chest pain.
Sourav Ganguly was with him when he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital.
Minister in-charge of sports (West Bengal) Arup Biswas and top CAB officials had rushed to the hospital after the news. (PTI)