Bollywood actress Preity Zinta has tied the knot with her American boyfriend Gene Goodenough in a private ceremony in Los Angeles. While the 41-year-old “Kal Ho Na Ho” star kept mum about her wedding, veteran actor and Preity’s friend Kabir Bedi confirmed the news by congratulating her on Twitter. “HUGE CONGRATS my friend @realpreityzinta on your marriage to Gene in Los Angeles, City of Angels.
Blessings!” he posted. Celebrity jewellery designer Farah Khan Ali, sister of Suzanne Khan, who is close friends with Preity and is in LA for her wedding, also congratulated the actress. “Congratulations sweets on your wedding @realpreityzinta. Lots of love and blessings all the way from India,” Farah said. The news comes after Preity repeatedly quashed reports of her marriage. (PTI)