Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Manipuri media houses halt publication of dailies


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IMPHAL: Imphal-based print media on Friday halted publication of daily papers from Imphal following acute shortage of currency for exchanges with the hawkers, as the burden of the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes continued to have its impact on various sectors including the fourth estate.
Seeking an alternative arrangement, from the side of the government, a sit-in-protest was also jointly organised by the All Manipur Newspaper Sales and Distributors Association and All Manipur Newspaper Publishers Association at Keisampat area at the heart of Imphal town on Friday.
General Secretary Ajit Wangkhemcha of All Manipur Newspaper Sales and Distributors Association told PTI the resolution to stop the publication of daily papers was taken during a meeting at the office of the daily newspaper Huyen Lanpao on Thursday night.
The meeting was held after certain banks in Imphal refused to accept Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denomination notes beginning on Thursday although the media houses had to pay the notes despite the “November 8 declaration” regarding demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes, Wangkhemcha said.
He said not just the hawkers, morning subscribers are facing much hardship in terms of returning change as well as depositing it to the bank.
Unless the government suggested “means” to handle the hardship and inconveniences faced by the hawkers and the media houses and others involved, no dailies will be published, he added.
Nevertheless, there is no concrete decision on whether “publishing of daily papers will remain indefinite or not”.
However, other English and vernacular dailies based in the hill districts of the state are yet to take such measures.  (PTI)


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