SHILLONG: The five children of the woman from Mawprem whose body was found near Bishop’s Falls on Tuesday are under the care of a children’s home.
Sources said two of the five children were sent to the home two years ago because the woman was a single mother and could not look after them. One of them was brought home two months ago.
Two others were also sent to the children’s home where they get education and care.
In a similar incident a few days before the Mawprem case, a woman’s body was found on NH-44 in Jaintia Hills. Police had later confirmed rape and murder. This deceased woman had a nine-year-old daughter who was orphaned.
The rise in crime against women in the State is having an adverse effect in which children of single mothers are left at the mercy of relatives or they are sent to children’s homes.
Meghalaya police data show that the total number of reported crimes against women in 2016 was 293. This year 23 rape cases were reported till February 23.