Mumbai: Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray said on Sunday said his party would not shy away from “exposing” the BJP-led Maharashtra government if it fails to execute the loan waiver scheme properly.
Thackeray, whose party is also a part of the ruling coalition in the state, claimed his outfit was the first to demand debt waiver and rued that Maharashtra continues to top in farmer suicides. “It was the Shiv Sena which first raised its voice for loan waiver for farmers, when Sharad Pawar was the Union agriculture minister.
“Maharashtra was on top in farmer suicides and unfortunately it is still at the top. This was not the area where our state should have been at the top,” he said in an interview to his party’s mouthpiece ‘Saamana’. “Hence, the farmers should be debt-free was my demand,” he said. “I have even asked the Shiv Sena workers to beat the drums outside the banks and make them display the list of beneficiaries.
“We will not shy away from exposing the state government if it fails to execute the loan waiver scheme properly,” Thackeray said. (PTI)