Los Angeles, Oct 11 (PTI) Actor Mandy Moore says she wants to keep her wedding to Taylor Goldsmith low-key. The 33-year-old actor says she attends a lot of lavish celebrations due to her work and hence she has decided to go private with her wedding, reports Us Weekly. “My job allows me to get dressed up, and take pictures, and be the centre of attention in a way that makes me slightly uncomfortable. I’ve never dreamed of emulating that in my real life. “So I think I’ll probably take the opposite route when it comes to getting married. I don’t think I’m going to have a big, old affair. I think it will be small, and quiet, and private,” says Moore. However, wanting a contrast from her work life is not the only reason the “This Is Us” star wants a toned-down day when she says ‘I do’. “I’ve never dreamed about a wedding, or a dress, or any of those details, and no judgement on women that do. I get it! I kind of feel like I was always just who I was.” PTI