Monday, June 17, 2024

Tamil Nadu celebrates Diwali with traditional fervour


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Chennai: Tamil Nadu woke up to the sounds of crackers and the visual treat of diyas on Diwali – the festival of lights – early on Wednesday morning.

People had special sesame oil bath and wore new clothes. Relatives and friends asked one another “Ganga Sthanam Aachha? (Is bathing with the water of holy river Ganga over?)”

People across the state exchanged sweets, savouries and the special Diwali Leghium — herbal jam — with friends, neighbours and relatives, and celebrated the day with fervour.

In many houses phones started ringing early with close relatives living in far off places wishing people here “Happy Diwali”.

“The day started with bursting of crackers with my kids. After the traditional oil bath we went to the nearby temple to offer prayers,” J.Murali, a resident of Chennai, told IANS.

While children started their day bursting crackers the adults conducted pujas in their homes and temples.(IANS)


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