New Delhi: Vodafone on Tuesday announced its new brand positioning in India, using the new tagline, “The Future is exciting. Ready” as part of its global rebranding exercise across 36 countries.
“India is entering a new exciting era – an era of digital, convergence, big data, IoT, cloud, augmented realities, robotics and artificial intelligence. The real and virtual worlds are converging at an unprecedented pace to create a bold new future,” said Sunil Sood, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Vodafone India.
“Our new brand positioning emphasizes Vodafone’s mission and purpose to help customers and communities adapt, navigate and prosper from the remarkable new trends reshaping the world,” he added.
The new visual identity will place greater emphasis on Vodafone’s ‘speech mark’ logo. The ‘speech mark’ will now appear as the central graphical focus overlaid on all marketing and marketing communications collateral. The logo will also appear in a new 2D design in place of a skeuomorphic 3D approach.(IANS)