Sunday, March 9, 2025

Why so much bias?


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Apropos the article, “A book fit to be the ministry of nonsense” by Sushil Kutty (ST, dated, 8th of June, 2018), it makes me wonder what is the force behind renowned writers like Arundhati Roy that prompts them to express their views with such bias. This unethical and shamefully biased group of writers are up in arms against the present dispensation at the centre for reasons best known to them. While it is true that the present government at the Centre has failed on many counts but it is equally unfair to forcibly paint it as villain for everything wrong under the sun. This group of writers are deaf and dumb when it comes to acknowledging any of the present government’s good moves/measures. I wish to stress that one needs to be balanced even while criticizing somebody. Unfortunately, this army of writers, in their attempt to malign the present  government at the centre, has shamefully abandoned justice and righteousness. But, fortunately for the people of this country, their main agenda as well as the covert reasons of their pushy undertakings is not very difficult to comprehend.

Yours etc.,

Partha Sarathy Gupta,

Via email


Test tube baby?


The reported statement of UP Deputy CM, Dinesh Sharma, that Sita was a test-tube baby is hilarious and somewhat shocking. Equally shocking is his statement that journalism existed during Mahabharata and that Narada Muni acted like Google! This falls in parody with another series of such utterances by Tripura CM, Biplab Deb, who is recorded to have said that Internet and Satellites existed since the days of Mahabharata! Of late it has become a matter of pride for our legislators to connect every modern scientific innovation with ancient Indian civilisation. This trend is dangerous for Indian democracy for it shows the low IQ of our legislators and their narrow parochial outlook. When the Govt conducts tests and examinations to appoint chowkidars upwards to bureaucrats, isn’t it high time that we put in a system of conducting ‘IQ Tests’ to determine the eligiblity of our legislators, so that democracy as defined by Aristotle, doesn’t actually turn into a Govt. of Fools?

Yours etc.,
Sadiq Hussain Laskar,



Harmful effects of pornography


It is heartening to note that the Government of India has created a helpline to check the circulation of pornography, “State creates helpline..” (ST, 7 June, 2018). Credit for this goes to an NGO – Prajwala of Telengana, which had taken the matter to the Supreme Court. Consequently the apex court has directed the Central Government to act on this.

Pornography is corrupting our society beyond imagination. But this is being hushed up. Modernity and personal freedom are two sides of the same coin where sex has transgressed the boundaries of decency.  This is due to our easy acceptance of the flood of sexually explicit advertisements, services, visual entertainment and vulgar representation of females. Social media has made everything easier.  The exponential increase in pornography viewing in the last few years is a pointer to that. This has totally changed the social ethos, convention and the general behavioural trend. But many still believe such changes and personal self-indulgences are no big deal.

The devastating effects of pornography and abuse of sex will be noticeable after few years. Marital relationship will receive a violent jolt. Let us note that when this sex ceases to be a private affair it will also destroy all values attached to a healthy society. The LOVE bond between the two sexes will become weak. Promiscuity, extra-marital sex, adultery will thus strangle the very throat of marital LOVE relations where the cry for divorce and depression will get worse.

Yours etc.,

Salil Gewali, 


End child labour


Nobel laureate, Kailash Satyarthi has put up an arithmetic of child labour. If we employ a child, it means we are denying an adult his right to work. It is as simple as that. Moreover, a child can get midday meal if he happens to go to a school instead of discharging his duty as a child labourer. But if an adult remains unemployed, he will not get anything. Some market players prefer child labour because it is cheap. But even they will be benefited if they pay heed to Kailash Satyarthi. If the market players stop hiring say one million children then it will create one million job opportunities. And when employable persons get the job, they will obviously earn more than those children. As a result, it will increase the purchasing power of the masses and therefore boost the market. 

As most of those “unemployed” children have to go back to school to fend for their midday meal, they will be better educated, better skilled to earn more in future than if they would have to work as child labourers and surrender their right to education and right to midday meal. So, it will help the market players to get more skilled labour in future. 

Yours etc., 

Sujit De,

Via email


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