New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to hear on August 13 the plea of a survivor of the Hapur lynching case, seeking a court-monitored SIT probe into the incident in which one person was killed allegedly on suspicion of being involved in cow slaughter. The plea also sought cancellation of bail of the accused and transfer of case outside Uttar Pradesh. A bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra considered the submission of advocate Vrinda Grover, appearing for victim Samiuddin, that the matter required urgent hearing in view of the fact that Uttar Prdesh police has termed the incident in which 45-year-old meat trader Qasim Qureishi was killed as a road rage case. Samiuddin, 64, and Qasim Qureishi were allegedly severely beaten at Hapur in Uttar Pradesh on June 18 by a group of people who alleged that they were involved in cow slaughter. Both received injuries and Qureishi died later. (PTI)