Delhi CM Madan Lal Khurana diesNew Delhi: Former Delhi chief minister Madan Lal Khurana passed away here Saturday after a prolonged illness, his family said. Khurana, who was 82, is survived by his wife, a son and two daughters. His another son had died last month.A veteran of the BJP, Khurana was the chief minister of Delhi from 1993 to 1996 and was appointed the governor of Rajasthan in 2004.”He breathed his last at around 11 pm at his Kirti Nagar residence here,” his son Harish Khurana told PTI. He said Khurana was suffering from a chest infection and fever from last few days and was feeling breathless since Saturday morning, he said. He had suffered a brain haemorrhage about five years ago and was ailing since then. His last rites would be held tomorrow, his family said. BJP chief Amit Shah condoled the BJP leader’s death. (PTI)