Filmmaker Rohit Shetty Filmmaker Rohit Shetty has signed Farah Khan to direct an action-comedy film for his production house, Rohit Shetty Picturez.”Sometimes the universe just conspires to give you what you didn’t even imagine. Together with Rohit, who I genuinely love as a brother and whose work ethic I respect and share, I can only promise ‘Mother of all Entertainers’! Cant wait to say ‘roll camera’ for this one,” Farah said in a statement. The film is presented by Reliance Entertainment and produced by Rohit Shetty Picturez.Fresh off the success of Simmba, Rohit said it’s a privilege for his production company to have Farah on board to direct a film for them as she is “extremely talented and hard working”.”It will definitely be a wonderful association. I can’t wait to start working with this extremely talented powerhouse,” he added.After giving a decade of hits as a director, Rohit has proved himself to be a successful producer as well after doing films like Golmaal Again and Simmba under his production house. In addition to Hindi films, Rohit Shetty Picturez has plans to address the digital content consuming audience with original web series and cater to Rohit’s younger fans with animated content like Little Singham. (IANS)