On Women’s Day, On Women’s Day, Bharat Matrimony launched a new feature to the service called ‘secure connect.’ The feature enables women to take control of their privacy and safety while searching for a life partner.For women who have been concerned that their phone numbers are easily accessible on the matrimony platform can now breathe easily. Secure Connect has a calling feature that lets the women on the platform receive calls from the men who have premium membership without revealing their contact number to them.This feature will be rolled out across all the domains that Bharat Matrimony has. The platform is the only matrimony site to offer this first-of-its-kind security feature for women. Women can enable Secure Connect in the settings tab by choosing the option “Receive calls without showing my number” and get phone calls without a worry.“At Bharat Matrimony, we understand that Safety and Privacy are among the top concerns of women searching for a life partner. We always strive to provide the highest standards of security to our female members and Secure Connect is a big step forward in giving women enhanced control over their privacy and safety. Now, women can confidently put their phone number on their profile,” explained Murugavel Janakiraman CEO of the website.MS Dhoni, their brand ambassador, said, “I’m happy that Bharat Matrimony is launching a new privacy feature ‘Secure Connect’ that empowers women to take control of their privacy and safety. Coming on Women’s Day, it shows that Bharat Matrimony is really sensitive to the safety needs of women looking for a life partner.” (ANI)