Monday, June 17, 2024

Tura school assault case: Administration files FIR, school to probe incident


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TURA: Taking serious note of the alleged assault of a minor student by the headmistress of the Aeroville Secondary School in Tura, the West Garo Hills district administration on Saturday registered an FIR and announced that a probe would be initiated into the case.
The school management, on its part, also informed that a detailed report on the incident has been sought from the concerned teacher within 48 hours following a meeting in the school on Saturday.
The school is convening a parent-teacher meeting on April 30 in the light of the events that took place last week.
The deputy commissioner of West Garo Hills, Ram Singh, through the administration’s social media handle informed that, “An FIR has been registered with the Tura Women PS. A magistrate and the District Child Protection Officer (DCPO) will conduct a brief inquiry and a supplementary FIR will be filed accordingly. Action will be taken against all those involved.”
Singh also informed that a meeting with all the private schools would be called on May 1 to discuss the matter so that such incidents are not repeated in the future.
On April 24, the headmistress of Aeroville, Sanne B Sangma, allegedly beat up a student on her failure to bring her workbook to school.
The assaulted girl suffered severe pain in her head as well as a deep gash behind her ear.
The incident has led to a huge outcry from many sections of people in Garo Hills, who have sought stringent action against the teacher for the physical abuse.


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