The Kings, a hip-hop The Kings, a hip-hop dance crew from Mumbai, has found international glory with their victory on American reality television show “World of Dance”, taking home a cash prize of $1 million.”The Kings are officially ‘World of Dance’ royalty. Sending big love to our champions,” read a post from the official Twitter handle of World Of Dance.Judges Jennifer Lopez, Ne-Yo and Derek Hough stood up in awe of the finale performance of the NBC show by the all-men group The Kings, which performed a high-octane sequence involving stunts in slow-motion.The 14-member Bolly-Hop squad, involving males aged 17-27, was consistently getting ace scores during its run on the show.Among their competitors were Canadian contemporary dancer Briar Nolet, the sister duo of Ellie and Ava, VPeepz, a hip-hop group from the Philippines, and Unity LA, a 10-person squad from Southern California. (IANS)