Shillong: The Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme for unorganised workers for entry age of 18 to 40 years with monthly income of Rs. 15,000 or less.
Any unorganised worker whose job is casual in nature, such as home based workers, street vendors, head loaders, brick kiln workers, cobblers, rag pickers, domestic workers, washer-men, rickshaw pullers, rural landless labourers, own account workers, agricultural workers, construction workers, beedi workers, handloom workers, leather workers, etc can avail this scheme.
If any unorganised worker subscribes to the scheme and pays regular contribution up to the age of 60 years, he will get a minimum monthly pension of Rs. 3000. After his/her death, the spouse will receive a monthly family pension which is 50% of the pension.
The monthly pension will get deposited in the subscriber’s linked Bank Account, after the subscriber attains the age of 60 years.
Any registered beneficiary of the Meghalaya Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (MBOCWWB) can also opt for this scheme and can register in the Common Service Centres nearest to their location.