Devendra Nagar lodged a complaint that on Tuesday between 10 am-6 pm, miscreants broke into his house at Upland Road, and stole a DSLR camera valued around Rs. 40,000/-, two wrist watches and Rs. 7,000 cash.
One Dramly L Marshillong (38 yrs) along with another was caught red-handed while committing burglary from a mobile repairing shop of Kheinborlang Nongsiej on Tuesday around 2:30 am at Mawkyrwat market.
Peddler held
Acting on tip off, police on Monday, apprehended one Aibanteilang Marthong (25 yrs) who was engaged in selling of narcotic substances near DTO Office, Nongstoin, and recovered 1.61 grams of suspected heroin from his possession. Same day around 7 pm, police raided the house of the accused at Umsohlait village and recovered another 0.98 grams of suspected heroin.