Superstar Salman Khan has shared a video of himself dancing to the tunes of Urvasi urvasi with dance icon Prabhudheva. Actor Kichcha Sudeep of Eega and filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala are also seen shaking legs with the Dabangg star in the video shared on Twitter on Tuesday. Salman captioned it: ‘Dance class from the master himself Prabhudheva, Kiccha Sudeep, Sajid Nadiadwala.’ Urvasi Urvasi is a Tamil-language song, which was later dubbed into Telugu and Hindi composed by musical maestro A.R. Rahman for the 1994 film Kadhalan. The Hindi version of the Kadhalan soundtrack is called Humse Hai Muqabala. It inspired the title of Rajsirpy’s 1996 film Take It Easy Urvasi. The 53-year-old star has become very active on social media lately. He has been giving his fans a sneak peek into his personal life, work schedules and fitness regime. (IANS)