Filmmaker Karan Johar has announced he will be producing the Hindi remake of actor Vijay Deverakonda’s forthcoming Telugu film Dear Comrade. After attending the special screening of Dear Comrade, Karan took to Twitter on Tuesday to praise the film. ‘Had the pleasure to be the first to see ‘Dear Comrade’. What a powerful and intense love story!! Top notch performances by Vijay and Rashmika Mandanna. The film is exceptionally moving and leaves you with such an important and relevant message,’ he said. He added that he was ‘super excited’ to produce the project under his production banner Dharma Productions. ‘Glad to announce that Dharma Movies will be producing the Hindi remake of Dear Comrade. Super excited about this,’ Karan added. Vijay happily extended his support to Karan for producing Dear Comrade in Hindi. (IANS)