Angela Bassett says she has not managed to watch Avengers: Endgame as the Marvel blockbuster is three hours long. The actor reprised her role as Dowager Queen Ramonda from Black Panther in the MCU tent pole, which has the longest runtime at three hours, two minutes. “It’s three hours long, right? I haven’t seen it. Wait a minute, it is going to be on the plane. Oh my god, carve out three hours?” Bassett told EW Live. Asked whether she knew what happened in the movie, she said: “I kind of do, I was there, I know where it is up in there and how it plays out.” However, the 60-year-old actor said her teenager twin sons Slater and Bronwyn have watched the film twice. “I’m like, ‘Y’all have fun. I’m just gonna relax and chill at home, thanks. Tell me all about it.’ “They tell me, ‘You always fall asleep in the movies, ma’, then I wake up and I got, like, the general gist of what happened. And the bad guys went down and the good guys solved it and it’s all good, right? Ok!” she said. (PTI)