Bollywood star Varun Dhawan will raise funds for farmers in Maharashtra through actor Arjun Kapoor’s sister Anshula Kapoor’s online fundraising platform Fankind.
As part of a campaign on Fankind, a fan will get to play a game of paintball with Varun. Fans have to buy entries for a minimum of Rs 300 or multiples thereof, which will enable them to become part of a random selection process by a third party. All proceeds received through the campaign will go for the welfare of farmers by providing resources to the NGO Manavlok Foundation.
“The severe water crisis in Maharashtra has affected farmers the most. The prolonged drought has resulted in a loss of agricultural livelihood. Which is why the funds we raise through this first Fankind experience will support Manavlok Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that works with farmers and provides them with resources such as irrigation systems, fertilisers, seeds, saplings and new training,” Varun said in a statement. (IANS)