Vivek Bhattacharya lodged a complaint stating that on May 29, 2019, Kishon Warlarpih assaulted him at Seven Set School, Shillong. On receiving the complaint, police summoned the accused to Laban PS to settle the matter. However, the accused was unapologetic and used abusive language inside the police station.
Rophinus Hashah, Secy., of Nonghyllam village, South West Khasi Hills District lodged a complaint stating that on August 4, five persons identified as Sudepstar Hashah, Bakordor Hashah, Ning Nongtnger, Phrang Dkhar, Abandon Nongtnger and others assaulted Wadjingtip Nongbri.
Trelis Siangshai lodged a complaint stating that on August 4 around 7 pm, around 4 or 5 unidentified miscreants assaulted her son Suresh Siangshai in Happy Valley market. The victim sustained injuries and was admitted in the ICU of Super Care Hospital.
On August 5 around 3:50 am, during ‘Naka’ checking at Umphyrnai in East Khasi Hills, police detained one Nigerian national identified as Obima Ugbala, who was travelling without any valid documents.
Bishal Kar of Hawakhana, Tura (WGH) lodged a complaint that on December 16, 2018 his wife. Seema Kar going by the alias Ghosh of Hazrapara Coochbehar who had a strained relationship with her husband, left home for Coochbehar along with jewelry valued around Rs 15 lakh, Rs 5 lakh cash and important documents including the original title deed of his house in Coochbehar.
Crauish Mary R Marak lodged a complaint stating that on August 2 between 1am and 5am, unknown miscreants stole her scooty (ML-07B-7345) from her residence in Upper Rongreng Baija, East Garo Hills.
Basu Thapa lodged a complaint stating that on July 30, 2019 around 10 pm, unknown miscreants stole his motorcycle from his residential compound in 3rd Mile, Upper Shillong.
Brightstar Mawlong lodged a complaint stating that on July 29, 2019, unknown miscreants damaged and stole the main key of the water supply pipe in Mawlai Nongmali-III WSS, Shillong.
Trei Lyngdoh lodged a complaint stating that on August 4 around 9:30 pm, her husband Rikes Suchiang, set fire to her house in Sohkymphor village, East Jaintia Hills and threatened her with dire consequences.