Actor Neil Patrick Harris is the latest addition to the ensemble cast for the upcoming fourth installment of the Matrix franchise. He joins Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss, who will be reprising their roles in the film, as well as Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, who was tapped as one of the leads last week, reports Plot details are currently unknown. While it was rumoured a young Morpheus could appear in the movie, sources close to the film would not confirm Harris’ specific role. Warner Bros. announced in August that a fourth Matrix movie is officially in the works, with Reeves and Moss returning and Lana Wachowski on board to write and direct. Aleksandar Hemon and David Mitchell co-wrote the script with Wachowski, who will also produce with Grant Hill. The film is expected to begin production at the beginning of 2020. The role is a huge land for the How I Met Your Mother star in what would mark his first tentpole at a major studio. Harris was most recently seen in the Netflix series “A Series of Unfortunate Events”. (IANS)