Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston, who recently surprised netizens by making her Instagram debut, is actively using the photo sharing application. From posting pictures to responding to fan comments, the Friends fame actress is aggressively engaging on the social media platform. Seeing Jennifer on Instagram, fans of the sitcom star have been celebrating her stepping into social media. Celebrity admirers who have welcomed Jennifer include former Bachelorette star Kaitlyn Bristowe, who asked the 50-year-old in the comments section: ‘Are you and Ross still together?’ Responding to it, Jennifer used the show’s popular catchphrase: “We’re on a break”. Kaitlyn shared their exchange on her own Instagram with the caption: “The one where I s**t my pants.” It was a reference to the season three episode “The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break”, where Rachel (Jennifer) asks if they should pause their relationship for a bit, following a row, reports a website. (IANS)