Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o has shut down speculation she’s working on a sequel to her hit movie Us. The 36-year-old star fronted director Jordan Peele’s horror movie, which has become one of the 2019’s biggest releases, and gossip about a follow-up has been rampant in recent weeks, said a report. Even though Nyong’o is getting awards buzz for her performance as Adelaide Wilson and twisted doppelganger Red, she says she has no interest in reprising the role. “No thanks. Red is dead,” Nyong’o said during an appearance on Deadline’s latest Contenders interview, adding she is not interested in reprising her duel roles as they were “very challenging”. She added: “I had to hold down both sides of the argument. I had to be the offender and the offended. It was about understanding the emotional landscape of each character but also having a very strict discipline to play both physically and mentally.” (IANS)