Sporadic arson cases in Jaintia Hills
JOWAI: Adding to the disturbance and unrest caused by rapid incidents of protests by the people of the state in opposition to Citizenship (Amendment) Act, the Meghalaya Transport Corporation (MTC) office in Jowai was torched by miscreants on Friday between 12.30 and 1 am. The office was completely gutted.
Further, there was an attempt to set ablaze a scrap dealer store by miscreants.
Some individuals also tried to burn down the toll gate at Ialong village.
However, due to quick intervention by the police it was prevented.
During the NESO-called bandh in the North East, the office of the Assistant Engineer Agriculture Water Resources Department was also torched by miscreants.
The students of District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) organised a protest rally demanding ILP in the state. The rally started from the institute premises in Khliehtyrshi to district library, Mynthong, Jowai via Iawmusiang, Jowai escorted by police and magistrate.
During the rally, students shouted slogans of ‘Yes ILP and no CAB’.