Indians ordered on an average 95 biryanis per minute or 1.6 biryanis every second from Swiggy in 2019, the online food delivery platform said on Monday. In fact, biryani is the most common first order by new users on Swiggy, according to the company’s fourth yearly ‘StatEATistics’ report on India’s food ordering habits.
Biryani has topped the list of most ordered dish for the third year in row.
However, the year also saw a rise in demand for ‘khichdi’. Orders for khichdi on Swiggy grew 128 per cent this year.
“While our patrons love their chicken biryanis, they prefer vegetarian toppings on their pizzas. Cheese, onion, paneer, extra cheese, mushroom, capsicum, corn, jalapenos and olives were among the most common toppings on pizza orders,” Swiggy said, adding that pineapple was the least preferred topping, and were preferred by only 1.5 per cent of pizzas ordered. (IANS)