Kolkata: The West Bengal administration has planned foolproof security arrangements to counter any untoward incident during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s two-day visit to the city starting Saturday evening. The Intelligence Branch had submitted a report to the state stating that as many as three organisations are planning large-scale gatherings at the airport and on the roads and show black flags to the prime minister.
According to a senior official of the state government, the authorities have planned to “sanitise” the route slated to be taken by the prime minister’s convoy to take to reach the city from the airport keeping in mind the possibility of protests against CAA and NRC.
The official said the roadmap was planned considering that the prime minister is scheduled to arrive at a time when light will not be favourable to fly him to the city in a helicopter.
“We have planned foolproof arrangements for the scheduled visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. There will be barricades along the edges of the roads from the airport to the city on Saturday evening. “There will be an extra security cover alongside these roads to keep a check on threats of protesters putting up blockades or display black flags to the PM,” the official said.
Modi will be travelling from the airport to the heritage Currency Building in the city’s central business district where he is scheduled to inaugurate a programme. Thereafter he is scheduled to inaugurate a light and sound show at the iconic Howrah bridge from the Millenium Park on the banks of the Ganga in the same locality. From there he is scheduled to travel via the river to Belur Math, the global headquarters of the Rama Krishna Mission, he said. (PTI)