Sunday, June 30, 2024

Pot Pourri


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Border wall in Mexico turns into ‘mural of love’
Mexico: Dozens of red hearts were painted on the metal barrier that separates the Mexican city of Tijuana from San Diego in the US as part of a recurring project by independent artist, Enrique Chiu, to spread a message of love and brotherhood.
Children, adolescents, and adults arrived at the venue on Mexico’s border frontage with paintbrushes and full of enthusiasm to take part in the project called ‘Muro de Hermandad’ (Mural of Brotherhood) that began three years, Efe news reported.
The Mexican artist, who spent more than a decade in the US before settling in Tijuana, said it was not a political movement and did not seek funds, but was based on love and efforts of common citizens.
Chiu invited people on social media to take part in the event aimed at filling the metal bars with hearts to mark February, the month of love.
The painter said he was happy with the three-year-long project, which has become popular over time, with new paintings being created every month.
Many celebrities have joined the activities. Those include Mexican actor Eliza Gonzalez, who has been to Tijuana at least four times to paint messages or drawings on the border barrier close to the Tijuana beach.
Chiu said dozens of other artists had also participated in the extended mural, and he expected other big names such as singer Alejandro Fernandez and Luis Fernando Pena to join shortly.
The artist had sought permission for the project from the US government before starting it and was allowed to proceed on the condition that the paintings should be carried out only on the Mexican side.
Each mass painting event is accompanied by live music, food and attended by families. University students and people from other public and private institutions also take part on occasions.
Chiu said he had spent around $9,000 on the project so far but was happy to see the results and the unity among people, who do not want more walls to divide them.
The US-Mexico border has witnessed heightened tensions in recent years due to President Donald Trump’s administration hardening its policies against immigrants and releasing funds to build a massive border wall, one of his major campaign promises.
Apart from writing their names or messages, the participants were also allowed to use colours of their choice to paint their hearts as they feel. For example, black to signify sadness, blue to represent autism, orange for the fight against cancer or the classic red, the colour of love. (IANS)

Saree splendour marks India Day at London Fashion Week
London: Sarees from different parts of India were at the heart of a first-of-its-kind India Day celebration at the London Fashion Week on Saturday.
Kashmiri and Phulkari from the north, Kantha and Baluchari from West Bengal, Ghatchola from Gujarat, Paithni from Maharashtra, Kanjivaram from Tamil Nadu and Kasavu from Kerala were among 17 different varieties of sarees selected for a unique catwalk organised by the Indian High Commission in London.
“This event is a true labour of love, with sarees borrowed from personal wardrobes, including mine, to showcase this living heritage that is such a part of our daily lives,” said Ruchi Ghanashyam, the Indian High Commissioner to the UK.
“This is a tribute to all the wonderful craftspeople and weavers who create these most amazing combinations. Each state has a different weave and so much of science, art and creativity go into the making into each saree,” said the envoy, for whom the saree is the outfit of choice at all events in the UK.
India Day, planned as a means of making sarees a visible presence within London’s mainstream fashion consciousness, opened with a showcase of designs by young Indian designers from the Inter National Institute of Fashion Design (INIFD) in India and was backed by the London School of Trends.
“These thousands of weaves bring to you the rich diversity of Indian textile. The saree is not only a cloth, a significant reflection of our textile legacy, it is also a matter of Indian pride,” said Smriti Irani, the Union minister of textiles, in a video message screened at the event.
UK Foreign Office minister Lord Tariq Ahmad, Israeli ambassador to the UK Mark Regev and Bangladeshi High Commissioner to the UK Saida Muna Tasneem were among some of the special guests at the India Day at the London Fashion Week, which opened on Friday. (PTI)


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