Mawkyrwat: Minerva Punjab FC, an I-League club from Punjab will hold a Selection Trial for boys between the ages of 6 to 10 years at the Mawkyrwat District Sports Association (MDSA) Stadium, Mawkyrwat on March 16 from 10:00 AM onwards.”The Secretary and Presidents of all sport clubs are requested to bring the boys under the above mentioned ages along with birth certificates to certify the age and the football kids,” said working president of the MDSA, YG Lyngdoh. Lyngdoh also said that the MDSA requested the leaders of the sports clubs to take this notice seriously because it is golden chance for the children from the District to get into a big club like Minerva Punjab FC. He also informed that Minerva Punjab FC has an academy at Chandigarh and those children if selected will get a chance to enroll and train at the academy.