Kareena Kapoor Khan on Sunday treated her fans with a photograph of her “Easter bunnies” — husband Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur Ali Khan. Kareena took to Instagram and shared two pictures of her Taimur and Saif. In the image, Taimur is seen wearing a Kurta pyjama with a face painting as a bunny and Saif is seen sitting behind his son lovingly looking at Taimur.
“My Easter bunnies for life Happy Easter everyone…#StayHome #StaySafe,” she captioned the image, which currently has 432K likes on the photo-sharing website.
On the film front, Kareena, who was last seen on screen in Angrezi Medium with actor Irrfan Khan, will next be seen opposite Aamir Khan in Laal Singh Chaddha. (IANS)