TURA: South Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner H B Marak on Tuesday held a meeting with top police officials, ADCs, BDOs, EACs and medical officers of Baghmara to discuss matters relating to the returnees and issues relating to home quarantine at District Resource Center in Baghmara.
During the meeting, the DC expressed concern over those returnees who have been asked to return back from their homes as the villagers are reluctant to accept them out of fear psychosis towards COVID-19. He asserted that Home Quarantine is a precautionary measure being undertaken to prevent the spread of infection if by chance a person carries a virus but that it does not mean that a person is infected so the people do not need to be ostracised for it. He also asked the Medical team to monitor the people under home quarantine and to inform the police department if anyone is found violating the protocols being given to them during this period.
It was also decided that massive awareness on COVID-19 needs to be carried out in some parts of the villages to make people realize the sentiments of the returnees and also to clear the unnecessary fear psychosis that is being set in the minds of the people.