GUWAHATI: These Shramik Special Trains which started operations from various locations of the country from May 1, 2020 onward are being run continuously as per the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on end-to-end basis at the request of respective State Governments.
Only those persons enlisted by the State Governments and brought to the station can travel on these special trains and no individual can come to any Railway station on their own and board these trains.
As of today, 71 such Shramik Special Trains reached NFR areas with more than 82000 stranded people. Passengers are being given free meals and water during the journey.
Passengers mainly comprised of students, patients, and migrant labours with their family members. Out of 71 trains, seven trains arrived in various N.E. states like Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, and Assam till today with about 8700 stranded people. Another five trains will be arriving within the next two days in these states. While 63 trains arrived in Bihar areas under NFR and one train arrived at New Jalpaiguri station in West Bengal under NFR.
Moreover, few “Shramik Special” trains are also planned for transportation of stranded persons from Northeast to states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka by respective state governments in the coming days.