SHILLONG: Under pressure from the pressure groups who have opposed the move of the government to allow semi-skill, skilled and highly-skilled resources from outside to work in the state with special permission, the state government has now decided to soon hold a meeting with the private employers to request them to engage local semi-skill, skilled and highly-skilled resources available in the state for high skilled works.
Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong on Wednesday said that the Labour department earlier had issued a notification to private business houses asking them accommodate local skilled labourers wherever possible.
The Commissioner and Secretary of the Commerce and Industry jointly with department of labour will convene a meeting with the business houses this week houses to again follow up on the notification, Tynsong said.
The notification issued by the Government earlier had asked all contractors or employers to explore possibilities of engaging the local semi-skill, skilled and highly-skilled resources who are in available in the state.
It said skill or highly-skilled resources working in different sectors in the state have migrated back to their home-state and are unlikely to return in the near future adding this has and will result in shortage of semi-skill, skilled and highly-skilled resources in the state.
According to the notification, major construction activities like roads & bridges have been adversely affected and are not in a position to resume work due to non-availability of semi-skill, skilled and highly-skilled labourers.