Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan and his son Abhishek Bachchan on Saturday said they had tested positive for COVID-19 and been admitted to a city hospital. The Bachchans, who are at Nanavati Hospital, shared their health update on Twitter.
Abhishek said both his father and he had had mild symptoms and requested everybody to be calm and not panic. While Amitabh is 77, Abhishek is 44 years old.
“I have tested COVID positive. Shifted to Hospital. Hospital informing authorities, family and staff undergone tests, results awaited,” Amitabh tweeted.
“All that have been in close proximity to me in the last 10 days are requested to please get themselves tested,” he added. He has been moved to the isolation ward of the hospital, Nanavati Hospital sources told PTI.
Soon after his father posted his tweet, quelling speculation about his health, Abhishek also tweeted.
“Earlier today, both my father and I tested positive for COVID 19. Both of us having mild symptoms have been admitted to hospital. We have informed all the required authorities and our family and staff are all being tested. I request all to stay calm and not panic. Thank you,” Abhishek tweeted.
“The BMC has been in touch and we are complying with them,” he added.
Within minutes of Amitabh’s post, the get well soon wishes began pouring in, flooding Twitter and other social media platforms. Fans and his colleagues from the film industry posted their best wishes for the star, one of India’s most loved and best known actors. (PTI)
The actor, who was roped in by the government in March to help spread awareness about the pandemic, has been frequently posting on Twitter and Instagram as well as his blog, sharing advice on a range of issues. (PTI)