Actress Sanya Malhotra has back-to-back reasons to celebrate. Recently, the trailer of her next film Shakuntala Devi was unveiled. Now, there is a new announcement for her film Ludo. “This is a very exciting time for me, first the trailer of ‘Shakuntala Devi’ was released and then release of Ludo on Netflix was announced,” she said. “The response that I’m getting for the trailer as well as the announcement regarding ‘Ludo’ is overwhelming. I’ve been flooded with congratulatory calls from family and friends since yesterday and I’m happy with how both announcements lined up together. With back-to-back good news, it’s always more the merrier, especially while we are stuck in lockdown,” she added. In Shakuntala Devi, the actress will play the real life character of Anupama Banerji, daughter of Shakuntala Devi. The actress also did a little dance recently to celebrate the trailer release. (IANS)