Bollywood actress Disha Patani has shared a beautiful picture of herself in a bikini on social media. Disha took to her verified Instagram account, where she is seen lying down in a black bikini, while the sun rays are adding a golden glow to her perfect skin. Alongside the image, Disha wrote: “Take me back” along with a wave and flower emoji. On the work front, Disha was last seen in Malang, which also features Anil Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapoor and Kunal Kemmu. The film is a revenge saga set in Goa and, despite gruesome moments of violence, it has catchy tunes composed by multiple music directors. Mohit Suri’s directorial Malang is all set to have a sequel, the makers have confirmed. Disha will next be seen in Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai. The action drama starring Salman Khan was supposed to be his Eid release this year, but has got delayed owing to the pandemic. (IANS)