Bollywood superstar Salman Khan along with his brothers Sohail Khan and Arbaaz Khan among many others got together for a photograph. Salman on t (he occasion of Raksha Bandhan on Monday took to Instagram, where he was seen flaunting his rakhi along with his brothers Sohail and Arbaaz, Atul Agnihotri, Ayush Sharma and nephews. “Happy Raksha Bandhan!” he captioned the image. Salman has become very active on social media lately. He keeps sharing glimpses from his farmhouse in Panvel. Recently, the actor took to Instagram and shared a video where he can be seen planting rice saplings in his farm. On the work front, Salman will next be seen in Radhe, which marks his return with director Prabhudheva after the 2009 film Wanted and last year’s Dabangg 3. (IANS)