The COVID-19 vaccination drive at Health Complex, Directorate of Health Services, Laitumkhrah, concluded on Thursday, during which various health officials and staff were inoculated. According to a statement, Mission Director of National Health Mission, Meghalaya, Ramkumar S, DHS (MI) Dr Aman War, secretary of Health & Family Welfare department MN Nampui, among others officials and staff were among the ones to receive the vaccine jabs.
Unclaimed dody
A highly decomposed body of a man was found lying on the roadside of 4 1/2 Mile, Upper Shillong, near PHE water tank, on February 5. Subsequently, the inquest was observed and the body was sent to Shillong Civil Hospital for autopsy. The body has been, meanwhile, kept at the hospital morgue for identification. According to a statement, the deceased was found wearing blue trouser, a pair of white Nike shoes, three pairs of socks, black T-shirt, black racknine leather jacket, blue colour woody checkered shirt. Any concerned can contact 03642548151, 03642222214 or 03642547600 to identify and claim the body.
The Meghalaya Congress will launch its new campaign ‘Join Congress Social Media to Save Democracy’ during an event at Congress Bhawan, Shillong, on Friday.
Agriculture Minister, Banteidor Lyngdoh, will attend as the chief guest the programme for declaring Umden-Diwon under Raid Nongtluh, Ri Bhoi, as Eri Silk village at Umden football ground on Friday.