Samsung is geared up to launch its first quad-camera Galaxy A series smartphone of 2021 next week, that will be priced below Rs 15,000 in India, industry sources said on Friday. The upcoming Galaxy A12 is likely to sport a large 6.5-inch HD+ display and a huge 5000mAh battery. Sources told IANS that Galaxy A12 will come with a ‘True’ 48MP quad-camera setup. It will feature an ultra-wide, macro and depth camera. This is the first time that Samsung is bringing a quad-camera setup on a Galaxy smartphone priced below Rs 15000 in the country. Samsung’s Galaxy A portfolio is popular among young Gen Z and millennial consumers, looking to buy affordable yet well-designed smartphones. In the past few weeks, Samsung has launched two sub-Rs 10,000 smartphones in India to create a bigger impact in the affordable segment. Earlier this month, Samsung launched Galaxy M02 with a large 5000mAh battery, good camera and large screen starting from Rs 6,999 (2GB+32GB variant). The 3GB+32GB variant costs Rs 7,499 and is available on, and key retails stores. (IANS)