The fight between the BJP-ruled central government and the AAP-ruled Delhi state is ongoing ever since the regional party swept the polls in 2015 and has ruled the state ever for two straight terms. A new legislation was brought forward by the Modi government to curtail the powers of the state via a bill on Tuesday. With the Lok Sabha passing the bill, it moved to Rajya Sabha for passage. Considering the new strength of the BJP and its allies in the upper house too, its passage was a foregone conclusion.
The new legislation is seen as a move to facilitate the Centre to call the shots in Delhi state through the office of the Lt Governor, who is a nominee of the Centre. Previous and present Lt Governors in Delhi have rubbed the Kejriwal government the wrong way. With the new law in the making, Kejriwal’s cup of woes will be full. The new law makes it obligatory on the part of the Delhi government to consult the Lt Governor and take decisions, whereas a Supreme Court ruling some time ago had said the Lt Governor, under the existing law, should act as per the advice of the state council of ministers.
The BJP, it is well-known, had tried its best to grab power in Delhi and this was a matter of prestige for it. Kejriwal, with his direct touch with the masses, outwitted the BJP and won hugely in both the past assembly polls. Now, his AAP has 62 members in a house of 70, and the Congress got no seat. The BJP’s attempt in 2015 to wrest power failed and there started the fight between the AAP and the BJP. The Delhi government already has less powers compared to the powers enjoyed by other state governments. The police in Delhi is under the control of the central government, which remains a major handicap for the state apparatus. Now, the state will be further tied to the whims of the Centre.
Centre-state relations must be maintained at all costs in a federal structure. Both the Centre and the states have a responsibility to keep up the good relations. It is often alleged that the Modi government tries to impose its writ on states. Such allegations had been raised during the UPA period too. Now, the scenario is noticeably worse as is also evident from the unleashing of central investigative agencies on opposition-ruled states even in situations that might not warrant such over-reach. This is not a good trend either.