Thiruvananthapuram: With the Covid spread increasing in Kerala and the Test Positivity Rate (TPR) crossing 17 per cent, the Tamil Nadu government has shut the by-roads connecting to Kerala. In response, the Kerala Chief Secretary V.P. Joy wrote a letter to his Tamil Nadu counterpart to keep the by-roads open as this creates problems for the people.
The by-roads have been shut with only a main road open at Kaliyakkavilai, the border of Kerala and Tamil Nadu (in the southern most part of the states).
The Kerala Chief Secretary V.P Joy in his letter to the Tamil Nadu government has written to avoid closing of the by-roads as it would pose problems for the mobility of people to cross into the Tamil Nadu area and vice-versa as several relatives and friends are living across the border. However, there is no response from Tamil Nadu’ side till now, according to sources in Kerala Chief Secretary’s office.
Tamil Nadu has taken a stand that the people take the main road at Kaliyakkavilai and to check e-pass and swab test at the border. The border by-roads which are closed include the roads at Market Road, Panangala Road, Kaduva Kuzhi Road, Vanniyakode Road, Puliyoorsalai Cooperative Road, Manaladi, Ramavarmanchira, Undancode Roads, Kacherinada, Fathimapuram and Punnamookal Roads are closed down by Tamil Nadu police and revenue authorities.
Thankayyan, a local egg trader at Kaliyakkavilai border, speaking to IANS said, “The Tamil Nadu revenue and police officials have unilaterally shut the roads thus causing much inconvenience to the people of Kerala as well as the local people of Tamil Nadu. We have relatives and friends across the border and also for the people of Tamil Nadu, there are relatives and friends on this side. We are expecting a positive response from Tamil Nadu to the Kerala Chief Secretary’s letter.”
The roads have been blocked by filling in soil making it difficult for the people to cross. Police barricades have also been set up at the borders and the movement is completely curtailed.
A senior police official at Kaliyakkavilai told IANS, “We are expecting a government order to open a few roads at least, as we understand that Tamil Nadu government will bring out an order following the request from the Kerala Chief Secretary.”
People from the border areas of Parassala are depending on Tamil Nadu markets for their vegetables, fish and chicken and this again is creating problems for the local people. (IANS)