Through your esteemed newspaper I would like to bring to the kind information of the District administration in Tura that the Covid protocols regarding the bye-polls in Rajabala Constituency are in total contrast to the SOP’s highlighted by the Administration. Recently, I happened to witness a public meeting in Rajabala where there were around 3000-4000 people gathered in a small field and no one was even wearing a mask. People were sitting and standing in close proximity. As per orders from the Administration we are told that for election meetings a maximum of 500 people are allowed and for Star Campaigners 1000 people with all barricades around the ground. But in reality it was like a big mela with all SOP’s and protocols blatantly violated. All kinds of vehicles from Pick ups, Autos were all jam-packed with people with music stereo system blasting and dancing happening beyond the permissible 7 pm deadline. The sad part is that, no one from administration responsible for checking these guidelines were to be seen when this so-called gathering of people happened for almost two hours or so. In short, it was like a ticking time bomb in waiting for rapid spread of Covid. I just hope and pray that the District Administration gives orders not only on papers but also checks the meetings in person and ensures adherence to strict guidelines as the fever for election campaign will grow stronger as days go by, from now until voting day.
Yours etc.,
Name withheld on request,
Via email
Why this farce?
I came to know of the meeting and resolution taken by the Central Puja Committee (CPC) regarding incidents of violence in Bangladesh inflicted on Hindus there. In my personal opinion this is just a farce and will not make any sense nor yield any tangible benefits and is in no way related to welfare and safeguard of non-tribals of Meghalaya. When the KSU and other like-minded organisations dictate terms that violate Hindu sentiments and does whatever they want against Hindus including imposition of restrictions in Ramkrishna Mission and other holy places including the Ichamati incident – this CPC remains silent. When the Government imposes illogical rules and restrictions on celebration of Hindu rituals including celebration of Durga Puja, this CPC remains silent. There are multiple examples of spineless acts of the CPC over the years. Most of the office bearers consist of ‘yes men’ and their commitment to the cause is in question since they have failed to protect the dignity, life and property of non-tribals of Meghalaya and to raise the issue in appropriate forums.
This CPC acts as the ‘breakdown maintenance team’ rather than ‘preventive maintenance’. While they can provide first aid box after injury but they cannot prevent the injury from occurring. They are well-trained to maintain and renovate crematoriums. This is just a social welfare organization without any teeth and Government knows this well.
When ISKCON is highlighting the issue in international forums with their strong footage and contact, this CPC is just trying to get some mileage out of the Bangladesh incident – nothing more than that. When they fail to resolve the local issues how they are vocal on what happens in Bangladesh? I challenge the CPC to do some real work to safeguard the Hindu community and ensure their dignity and self respect and also real tangible benefits.
Yours etc.,
Subhasish Guha,
Via email
Climate change distress
Extreme weather events in this monsoon season corroborate the predictions of climate science experts. Torrential rain had caused large-scale destruction in parts of North India and coastal parts of Western India. Even though the southwest monsoon is withdrawing from the country, unpredictable rain continues to cause destruction and disrupt normal life. Floods in Uttarakhand and torrential downpour in Kerala caused widespread destruction and great loss of lives. A large number of people were evacuated from disaster prone areas in both states. Urgent measures must be taken to deal with extreme weather events in these states.
It is a fact that topography of hilly regions makes it vulnerable to landslides. Unscientific construction of buildings, deforestation, quarrying and other land use adversely affect ecology. Although expert committees had warned of the consequences of causing damage to ecologically sensitive areas, they were ignored and now people are paying a heavy price for it. Infrastructure developments in the Himalayas and the Western Ghats must be carried out only in a scientific and meticulous way. Notwithstanding the fact that the Madhav Gadgil committee had recommended that a vast stretch of area that spans Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu must be declared as ecologically sensitive zone, and called for strict changes in the developmental activities in these areas, none of the states agreed with the recommendations. These states objected to restrictions on development activities. The Kasturi Rangan committee report substantially diluted these recommendations and proposed to reduce the eco-sensitive zone of the Western Ghats by half.
Global warming is causing climate change across the world. Given that more extreme weather events are likely to occur in future, urgent measures must be taken to deal with them. Long-term measures must be taken to prevent climate related disasters. There must be substantial investment in disaster management system. This apart, all development activities in hilly regions and ecologically sensitive areas must be restricted and regulated.
Yours etc.,
Venu GS,
Schools need trained physical instructors
As a teacher I wholeheartedly agree with the views of Dominic S. Wankhar in his letter captioned, Sports a neglected field in education ( ST October 11, 2021). The great Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body.” Many other great thinkers expressed that education must cater to the mental, physical, intellectual, social, economic and aesthetic development of the students. ‘Health Education’, in Meghalaya, is taught as a ‘theory paper’ with other subjects of the syllabus.
I am sorry to say but only a few schools are able to provide physical training and do justice to the subject. As Mr. Wankhar has pointed out the very fact that there are just 4 physical education trainers in the entire state against 14,694 schools is itself indicative of the state of physical education in Meghalaya. Only a few schools train their pupils by using other subject-teachers who have little knowledge in this field so how much justice can they do to the subject? Children of Meghalaya have natural potential in the field of sports, music and painting but ironically after achieving statehood for half a century, our schools don’t have trained teachers and facilities in these subjects. How then can we expect ‘all-round development’ of our students?
I humbly appeal to our government to form a ‘Talent hunt’ committee which will search and select talented children from both rural and urban areas and give them special training under trained coaches, so that they can excel in the field of sports, besides appointing trained permanent teachers in the schools. I am sure if our government takes the matter seriously, the day is not too far when Meghalaya too will produce sporting talents like those of Manipur, Assam and Haryana.
Yours etc.,
Reeta Ghosh, (National Awardee)
Vice Principal, (Retired)
Laban, Bengalee Boys HS School